Open daily from Easter Friday 18th April to 1st November 2025
We welcome visits by schools and pre-schools and have resources available to support your work both at the museum and in the classroom. Our education room accommodates groups of up to 30. You can use it as a base for led sessions and to keep coats and bags.
For information and bookings please call 01502 561963 or email
Pre-schools, I See the Sea
Colourful and educational bags for you to borrow containing boats and books, sou’westers and starfish and more. Guaranteed to delight and engage young children.

We also offer an accompanying Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance Pack and can put on special activities at the museum too.
Schools (KS2) Ben’s Quest (Updated 2019)
A comprehensive programme developed specially for the museum by educational specialists and comprising:
• Loan box packed with traditional clothing, objects relating to shipbuilding, maps, CD of Sea Shanties, photographs, games, archive newspaper articles and more
• Materials to support a self-led seafront trail
• Other supporting classroom materials
• Extensive teachers notes
• Risk assessments for museum visits
Download Ben’s Quest information and booking form.
Ben’s Quest Information and Booking Form

Groups and outreach
Group visits and talks
We welcome group visits and, subject to availability, can offer welcome talks by museum volunteers. Groups can also visit outside of usual museum opening days and times, including during the evening.
For a small donation we are also able to come and visit your group to give a talk about the museum.
Advance notice is required for all group bookings and talks.
For information and bookings
Call the museum on 01502 561963. Please note that outside our main season we may take a few days to respond to messages.

Reminiscence boxes
We offer five differently themed reminiscence boxes:
• Fishing and the Sea
• 1940s and 1950s
• Home Life
• Work
• Childhood
To borrow a box costs £5.00 per week or £15.00 for four weeks.
For information and bookings Please call the museum 01502 569163.